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Measurement of luteinizing hormone surge in vaginal discharge: a potential biomarker that enables simple, non-invasive prediction of the periovulatory period
Moto Takeshita, Keita Saito, Yuya Suzuki, Wataru Yoshimasa, Risako Hayashi and Yoko Chiba*
BMC Women’s Health 2024, 24, 132.
Nanomechanical DNA Origami'Single-MoleculeBeacons' Directly Imaged by Atomic Force Microscopy
Akinori Kuzuya, * Yusuke Sakai, Takahiro Yamazaki, Yan Xu, and Makoto Komiyama *
Nature Commun. 2011, 2, 449.
“DNA origami traffic lights” with split aptamer sensor for bicolor fluorescence decode
Heidi-Kristin Walter, Jens Bauer, Jeannine Steinmeyer, Akinori Kuzuya, Christof M. Niemeyer, and Hans-Achim Wagenknecht *
Nano Lett. 2017, 17, 2467-2472.
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