DNA Origami
DNA origami is a technology that uses DNA molecules to design and create nanoscale structures. This technology utilizes the properties of DNA to create extremely precise and complex three-dimensional (3D) and two-dimensional (2D) nanostructures. DNA origami enables precise structural design and self-organization at the molecular level, and is therefore a technology that is expected to be applied in many fields in the future.
Cranebio's DNA origami "Dozyme" has the property that when a "clamp" is placed on the DNA origami, the clasp is released and the structure changes when a "key" molecule that can remove the clasp arrives. It is known that the key molecule can be any nucleic acid such as DNA or RNA, but can also be a protein, a low molecular weight compound, or a metal ion.
Dozyme takes advantage of this property of changing structure, and the DNA origami is designed to turn on its enzymatic activity under certain conditions. In biosensing, Dozyme can be used as a sensor that detects specific molecules with high sensitivity and selectivity, making it a useful tool in fields such as environmental monitoring and food safety.
In this way, Cranebio's DNA origami "Dozyme" has the potential to provide innovative solutions in a wide range of fields, including medicine, the environment, and biotechnology. As technology advances, the range of applications will continue to expand and will have a major impact on our lives.